News & Press

Irish Athletic Boxing Association

Blocworx partner with the Irish Athletic Boxing Association (IABA)

Blocworx partner with the Irish Athletic Boxing Association (IABA)

Blocworx is delighted to announce we have partnered with the Irish Athletic Boxing Association (IABA), to supply IABA affiliate clubs with access to our digital contact tracing application for free. Government Covid-19 requirements specify that sporting clubs must keep a digital record of all persons attending their club for contact tracing purposes. Blocworx digital app will provide all IABA affiliate clubs access to Blocworx user-friendly solution that is fully compliant with GDPR and Covid-19 requirements.  

Blcoworx Contact Tracing

To sign up contact and state that you would like to be added to and provide the club name and your own name. We will respond with a club admin login, club member login, and video instructions.

Find out more about Blocworx here!

News & Press

Free Sports Attendance Software for Contact Tracing

On June 5th, the Irish government announced a revised roadmap for reopening society and business. The Phase 2 announcement revealed that outdoor sports training can recommence with strict social distancing in place. Groups of up to 15, including trainers and coaches, may return to non-contact outdoor training (but not matches) while maintaining social distancing at all times. This is good news for players of outdoor sports such as soccer, rugby, hurling, camogie and gaelic football.

The Challenge

This news also comes with a huge challenge for coaches and sports compliance officers. Training sessions will no longer include practice or ‘friendly’ matches for some time. With no physical contact amongst players allowed, extra attention and detail will be required to how training sessions are conducted. In games like rugby, which is primarily a physical contact sport, you can see where that challenge presents itself.

Sports Contact Tracing Software

At Blocworx, we recognise the important benefits of physical activity and sports for both physical and mental health. Sport Ireland Outdoors report that sports have numerous benefits for both participants and the local economy. These include mental health wellbeing, physical health, active citizenship, education & life-long learning and reducing crime & anti-social behaviours. The study suggests physical activity promotes general mental health status and physical health, combating diseases like stroke, heart attack & cancer. Moreover, sports promote integration & inclusion, volunteering, interpersonal development, education motivation and achievements and prosocial behaviours. Each of these are important for children, young adults and all age groups.

Blocworx Sports Attendance Platform for Contact Tracing

Blocworx have designed a free piece of software exclusively for coaches, clubs, schools, and sporting organisations. The platform assists in compliance with the latest government regulations surrounding outdoor training sessions. These requirements will attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19 virus during training practices and assist in contact tracing.

The solution includes a questionnaire for screening players before each training session and allows the compliance officer to track attendance of each player. There is also a visitors log which is designed for other people coming and going who may not necessarily be individuals who are training.

Simply input your training details and your information is stored for easy access and reference. In the event of a Covid-19 outbreak, simply generate excel reports of your attendance history directly from the platform.

If you’re a coach, compliance officer or team manager get in touch with Blocworx today. Simply, email Blocworx at or enquire through our website contact us form. Blocworx sales team will be happy to provide your with your own login of the system.


Isobel Hogan, Marketing Executive at Blocworx


Covid-19: What should Nursing Homes do?

Care teams across Ireland are in crisis mode. The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) report that Nursing homes account for 50% of coronavirus deaths in Ireland. Additionally, residential care settings account for 4,363 cases of coronavirus, of which 3,457 are in nursing homes. In nursing homes alone, there have been 593 deaths. There is a range of residents in nursing homes, from those that are relatively independent to those that require full support and care with all activities of daily living. Depending on their dependency levels, chronic illness, and for some dementia and frailty, these residents can be more vulnerable should they contract any viral or bacterial infection. There is no doubt that the challenges and stresses care providers are facing will force the sector to think and act quickly to safeguard those they care for and employ.

The toll this pandemic will take on the residential care sector is not apparent yet. It is imperative that, where possible, owners and managers write up and execute action plans. Furthermore, they should record their decision-making processes throughout the crisis. They will need to show why they took the actions they did, under what circumstances and with what guidance.

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) and the Chief Inspector of Social Services have recognised that Ireland’s health and social care services are facing unprecedented challenges in their response to Covid-19. All inspections will be announced by telephone the day before visits during this time. Inspectors will cancel inspections where any suspected or confirmed incidence of Covid-19 has occurred. However, they will eventually be carrying out their routine work again. When it is safe and appropriate, they will be looking to find how each nursing home has responded to this crisis. How are you going to confirm that you have kept staff and residents safe? Are you able to demonstrate that you were effective in your planning, responsiveness and your leadership? How will you show that you were forward-thinking in terms of managing your team and residents?

Now more than ever, implementing a Covid-19 digital care management system is a necessary step in the right direction.

Here’s why now is the time to digitise your Covid-19 care processes:

  • Implementing a Covid-19 care management platform like Blocworx signals to regulatory bodies, staff, residents, families and prospective clients that you are taking steps to run and grow your business within this ‘new normal’. 
  • Blocworx allows you to manage and control residential workplace information and implement policy changes from a distance quickly and effectively.
  • We offer online integration and training support for existing staff and new employees.
  • Our HIQA Covid-19 Nursing Home Protocol gives Care Managers and employees peace of mind. It enables them to manage and track their daily activities to minimise the risks of a Covid-19 outbreak.
  • Blocworx reporting features makes finding and exporting information for care inspectors’ incredibly quick and easy.
  • Switching from a paper-based system to a digital workflow reduces time spent recording. Our clients report an average of 6 hours per week/per staff member of time saved on paperwork. Additionally, it reduces administrative costs. Time and money are always valuable, but especially in times of crisis.

In times like these, ‘one day at a time’ is the mentality we hold. It is difficult to focus on the future when the present demands all of our attention. However, it is important to be mindful of the following:

The decisions you make now, and in the weeks ahead will have one of two outcomes. They will either help or hinder your ability to operate and grow beyond the crisis.

For many care providers, the need to make services more efficient, less paperwork heavy and more data-driven has always been there. The coronavirus pandemic has simply put a spotlight on it. 

Take the next step:

Sign up today for your free-14 day trial of the HIQA Covid-19 Nursing Home Protocol system. If you’d like to speak with Blocworx sales team email info@blocworx or call +353(86)3850363. A member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.


Isobel Hogan, Marketing Executive at Blocworx

News & Press

Blocworx launch HSE Safety Guide to support our community during COVID-19

Blocworx, leader in business process and workflow management software, launch the integration of COVID-19 safety guide, a notification that enables organisations to prompt their employees of health and safety guidelines. It sends employees a list of safety facts (suggested by the HSE) that help determine an individuals health and appropriate safety procedures.

Adding these guidelines to the system, Blocworx is equipping enterprises to battle the pandemic by notifying their employee’s of positive health and work conditions. Identifying risk and precautions early will help prevent contagion, slow the virus spread and prevent their employees from the worst impact while keeping a primary focus on the overall business continuity.

Health & Safety Guidelines

Blocworx Health & Safety Integration

“This Covid 19 pandemic will change the way the world will do business,” said Adrian de Cléir, CEO of Blocworx. “We feel that Blocworx will help companies and organisations succeed in this new world.”

Since 2017, Blocworx’s low-code platform has enabled hundreds of companies to improve their productivity and streamline their processes. Blocworx platform offers businesses an intuitive platform to collaborate, manage their work and track business outcomes. The platform combines the power of project management, process management and team collaboration to streamline business workflows and enterprise productivity.