Business & Finance Magazine: Leveraging Digital Transformation to Drive Business

Business & Finance Magazine: Leveraging Digital Transformation to Drive Business

In the latest volume of Business & Finances digital magazine ‘New Horizons’ Adrian de Cléir, CEO & Founder of Blocworx discusses how no code software like Blocworx is changing the game for its clients.

De Cléir explains “In order to survive in the current and future era, business leaders and their organisations must develop or at least initiate a digital strategy and investigate what Digitalisation & Digital Transformation will look like for them”.

Blocworx gives organisations the tools to start their digital journey by creating paperless processes, removing duplication, providing faster access to data, and implementing simple solutions that improve processes.

You can read the full article from Business & Finance, New Horizon: Top CEOs share their vision of the future. If you or your business would like to explore digital transformation, click here to try Blocworx for free today.