Release Notes

Version 2.13

In Version 2.13 update:

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the red error alert was staying visible on the bloc after submitting the form.
  • Created a new feature where the Autogenerate Field can optionally look at the highest number and not necessarily the latest number.
  • Put in place the initial set up for Blocworx Scheduler and Field Actions, thus making a big preparation for Version 3.0
Release Notes

Version 2.12

In Version 2.12 update:

  • Added the ability to change the text on the login page.
  • Improved and fixed bugs in the function where you can quantities to the Date field, allowing you to add days on top of an existing date.
  • Added the ability to change the default empty value from “N/A” to anything you wish (including blank data).
  • Added more frequencies to our Mail Alert scheduler.
  • Fixed a bug where the Multi File field is causing issues with the Mail Alert field.
  • Added a new Bloc parameter, when you leave the bloc you can set a pop up/notification before the user exits.
  • Added 2 new features to the Results Box field
    • Ability to put in any fields you wish, meaning you do not have to set this option in the source bloc that the field is getting the data from.
    • Ability to set colours in the results based on values.
  • Created a new Blocworx Permission called “Admin: Full Administration Only” where the user has unlimited access except for the ability to do building/development.
  • Added a new feature where an asterisks is shown if a field has the “Cannot be Empty” rule applied to it. This is better UX and imitates normal forms that have a * Required field.
  • Improved the Date Difference field so that different formats can be compared to each other.
  • Improved our Template Exporter to support the Checkboxes from Bloc field.
  • Created a Bluetooth field (currently a Beta version).
  • Created the first version of our Blocworx Gateway Field.
  • Added Rule/Action calling to the Cross Bloc Data Manipulator Field.

Release Notes


  • Fixed intermittent issue with the default skin appearing as the bright one.
  • Made improvements on the grid/layout of Blocworx to handle more unexpected situations with data and field numbers.
  • Added the ability to hide the second Blocworx logo along with the release number (for UI and cleaner output).
  • Added the ability to change the footer message in any Mail Alert output including in Reports.
  • Made huge improvements to our Look Up Data page allowing the user to isolate searches by single fields.
  • Created a new Barcode Generator Field.
  • Made some minor background improvements so our automated tests could run smoother.
Release Notes


  • Added the ability to be able to edit Page content using a nice word editor (WYSIWYG) instead of plain text input field.
  • Fixed an issue where the Results Box label was never appearing.
  • Added 2 Factor Authentication where it can be optionally added to a role of which a user can be assigned.
  • Added the ability to change the order of anything at a Page level. It was previously restricted to the order that you created the modules, links or sub pages.
  • Made updates to support an integration with Opayo payments system (Sage Pay).
  • New ability to reset the value for our radio button field.
  • UX Improvement: Added small icons at a Page level to represent what is a sub page, what is a link and what is a module.
  • Added the ability to allow rules to be triggered before and after the data is submitted.
  • Added the first websocket component allowing data to be loaded live on the page without a screen refresh.

Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue where when you edited the Dynamic Data Update parameter the existing setting was not appearing.
  • Fixed an ordering issue with the File Builder field
  • Added the ability for default data in a bloc to be also populated in the cells when an excel file is uploaded.
  • Added the ability to sort/order data in the Results Box field.
  • Allowed the Export Filtered Data button to appear any time a filter search has been complete, reducing one click and improving UX overall.
  • Hid the Language Switcher setting so only Super Users can access it.
  • Made huge UX improvements to the search and filtering section by adding the ability to build up fields in a list and remove them if needed.
  • Added the ability for Advanced Reports to be also filtered using the same filtering that is already in the bloc.
  • Significant improvements done on a code level for importing blocs from another module.
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese to our language list.
Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue where a page could take a long time to load. This was due to it loading all the data in its child modules.
  • Added ability for the logo and header background to be changed.
  • Added the ability to schedule the Mail Alert field so that the system can go through each record and conditionally send alerts based on certain criteria.
  • Fixed a small bug with the response from the rule: Must be between certain values.
  • Added the ability for our Bartender Label field to do a local print on your PC rather than dropping a file on the server. This allows people to set up Bartender without the need of support and configuration from us.
  • Added the ability to allow Shift + Enter reverse backwards through the fields in the bloc.
Release Notes


  • Resolve issue of Rules ordering when there are more than 9 rules in one field.
  • Added the ability to trigger the Results Box as soon as the field is loaded.
  • Added the ability to hide columns when in tablet view, and ability to hide them when in mobile view.
  • Some improvements and better error handling for our Dynamic Data field parameter.
  • Added ability for people to add more email addresses to the automated reports.
Release Notes


  • Added the ability to trigger the Mail Alert field with a button, not just by submitting or editing data.
  • Completed our new File Builder field which allows someone to generate a text file with filtered data and drop it to a location on the server.
  • Add the ability to export Advanced Reports inside the bloc (instead of having to go to Manage Data)
  • Bug fix where fields are appearing twice in a certain dropdown in the rules
  • Ability to remove Username and Timestamp from any exported reports.
Release Notes


  • Ability to create multi tenant instances (parent/master and child instances) where all the modules in a parent instance can be made instantly available to the child instance, allowing someone to build resalable modules
  • Usability Fix: Ability to select different modules in our Results Box field
  • Introduction of the Mail Alert Field
  • Ability to prevent duplicates when uploading Excel data to a bloc
  • Ability to look up data from an external non-Blocworx source.