Added the ability to change the text on the login page.
Improved and fixed bugs in the function where you can quantities to the Date field, allowing you to add days on top of an existing date.
Added the ability to change the default empty value from “N/A” to anything you wish (including blank data).
Added more frequencies to our Mail Alert scheduler.
Fixed a bug where the Multi File field is causing issues with the Mail Alert field.
Added a new Bloc parameter, when you leave the bloc you can set a pop up/notification before the user exits.
Added 2 new features to the Results Box field
Ability to put in any fields you wish, meaning you do not have to set this option in the source bloc that the field is getting the data from.
Ability to set colours in the results based on values.
Created a new Blocworx Permission called “Admin: Full Administration Only” where the user has unlimited access except for the ability to do building/development.
Added a new feature where an asterisks is shown if a field has the “Cannot be Empty” rule applied to it. This is better UX and imitates normal forms that have a * Required field.
Improved the Date Difference field so that different formats can be compared to each other.
Improved our Template Exporter to support the Checkboxes from Bloc field.
Created a Bluetooth field (currently a Beta version).
Created the first version of our Blocworx Gateway Field.
Added Rule/Action calling to the Cross Bloc Data Manipulator Field.